Emily's Media Center

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GUEST BLOGGER! April 21, 2010

Filed under: PRCA 3030 — eroche1 @ 8:29 pm

This is a blog by my fellow class mate and friend Meghan Beytagh. She used some really great articles to back up what she was saying and had a lot of feedback. I think it was a great issue to share with everyone so I wanted to spread it even more! Thank Meghan for being my guest blogger and letting me use this post! And here is a link to the article!
Meghan Beytagh
Unpaid Internships
Many students, including myself, have to complete an internship in order to graduate. While it would be nice if all of these were paid, the reality is that pretty much all of them are unpaid. PROpenMic recently ran a post about how these unpaid internships may be illegal. PROpenMic has been against the utilization of unpaid internships since its inception. Some major publicaations have recently run articales about the controversity of business during these hard economic times using students/internships as a source of free labor . Both the Times and the New York Times reported on this issue. The New York Times Article reports on a few states that have even begun to “crack down” on companies that are not paying their interns.


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