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PR connections- Tiger Woods.. Still like em? April 21, 2010

Filed under: PRCA 3030 — eroche1 @ 9:12 pm

For my PR connections I have chosen to reflect on some of the year’s so far because PR problems. The first PR scandal that comes to mind is golf hero Tiger Woods. His Public Relation team and how they did on the manner is certainly up for debate. The press conference seemed over rehearsed and certainly not from the heart. Everyone should check it out and decide their own opinion. No matter what Tiger did show that he can still play golf by making it into the top 5 in the Master’s tournament.


6 Responses to “PR connections- Tiger Woods.. Still like em?”

  1. micaelacarter Says:

    Hey Emily,
    I will def. agree with you on Tiger Woods being one of the biggest most talked about scandals of the year. But I will have to say after watching his apology that I also felt it was very rehearsed and not from the heart. I’m not sure if he really was sincere or not, but at the same time he could have been nervous and scared out of his mind. Because I know that if I ever did anything that compared to that, I wouldnt want to face the public ever again. But I do agree with you.. its one of those things you will have to decide on your own, if you think it was sincere or not? But I will say, that boy can play some golf!

  2. […] PR connections- Tiger Woods.. Still like em? April 21, […]

  3. MeghanSpillers Says:

    I have to say I thought Tiger Woods’s press conference was completely robotic. It did not sound sincere, but very rehearsed in my opinion. The impression that I got from his press conference was that it was something he felt obligated to do for his reputation. You could not turn on the television without hearing about another woman that came out about an affair with Woods or just anything to do with the situation. His PR people had to realize they had to do something to control the damage. I believe if it were up to him, he wouldn’t have addressed the public. I believe if you are in the public eye, you really need to think about your actions. Many people viewed him as a role model, and these affairs really impacted the way people see him now. Some people I have talked to about it have said, “He’s a good golfer. Who cares about his affairs?”. The fact is he presented himself as a family man to the public, and people admired him for that. I agree he is an incredible golfer, but I can’t say I feel sorry for him.

  4. […] 25. Emily Roche’s Tiger Woods.. Still Like Em? […]

  5. kbixby1 Says:

    Hi Emily!
    I read your PR Connection blog about Tiger Woods. What a famous scandal in the sports world. I am sure that Tiger Woods is very thankful for his public relations team. It appears that they have worked hard to turn his image around and make him appear in a better light to the public eye. It is sad to me that he went from being such an admired and respected person to a person with several self reflected problems. Although he did make his first come back at the Master’s tournament, I am sure his PR team made him feel confident about his return to golf.

  6. brittlindsay Says:

    Tiger Woods is the most talked about man of the year. It is crazy because these other stars and athletes have done and are doing the same thing but have not been caught yet. If you are not a star and you are doing this it is not a national scandal. I do not agree with what he has done, but his poor family has been turned upside down by his actions and the media’s constant stalking of their private life. His endorsements are still getting judgments because of his actions. I think the main problem is when these famous people do something bad it affects the brand they represent and they do not seem to think about that when they are in the action of wrong doing.

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